1. Create Your Account

Here’s how easy it is to join your friends in the Sandlot Fit app!

Step 1: Create Account

Tap the “Create an account” option.

Once you’ve added your email address and a password, tap the Sign Up button.

Step 2: Profile Info

Add your name and a photo so your community can find you.

Step 3: Enter phone number (optional)

Adding your phone number makes it a LOT easier to invite your friends. You will receive a text message to confirm your phone number.

Step 4: Activities

In time, these filters will matter to what you see on the map. For now, you’ll see all Fistbumps on the map. Even running!

Step 5: Start using the app!

This screen lands you on the map. From here, you can discover Fistbumps near you and create your own fistbumps using the top navigation bar.


2. Create Your Group